High Fives for Everyone

Dr. Mutch and I have a pretty rad relationship.  He calls and emails me on a somewhat regular basis (including my birthday!).  I have his office number, his cell number, and his home number.  He calls himself by his first name almost every time he calls me and then corrects it to “Dr. Mutch”.  He’s come to expect my high fives when things are going well, and he seems to genuinely like me.  I like that.

Last week I went in for my scans and my regular physical exam with Dr. Mutch.  The preliminary results from the scan showed that things were “stable”… which means that everything is either the same size or has shrunk somewhat.  “Stable” suggests that the chemo is working.  “Stable” is good.  “Shrinking” would be better, of course, but we’ll celebrate the small victories just the same.

Part of this next blurb may be an over-share (as if I don’t have a history of that), but it’s all in the name of a good story.  Here goes.  I’m in the exam room, undressed from the waist down, laying on the table, feet in stirrups.  Dr. Mutch goes in to have a feel around and says, with his finger still inside my body, and sounding as though he’d just found a 100 bill in the laundry, “Oh! This is smaller! You’re responding!” I said, “Seriously?!” as an enormous smile devoured my face.  He said, “Yes! Really!” I closed my eyes and thrust my clenched fists into the air as if I’d just won the Boston Marathon. I then looked over his head as he continued to manually survey my goods.  The resident and two nurses standing in the back of the room were cheering wildly, clapping and smiling right along with me.  As they left the exam room, I got a high five from Dr. Mutch and the resident. This is the greatest medical team on the planet, I think.  Well, at least when it comes to celebrating awesomeness.  And, let me tell you, there’s an awful lot of awesome to celebrate right here.

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8 thoughts on “High Fives for Everyone

  1. exiledtyke says:

    I can understand your clenched-fist-thrusting moment. This is excellent news and I’m really pleased for you.

  2. Vicki Calcaterra says:

    AWESOMENESS! A high 5 to you and a gentle pat to ypur port

  3. Nikki McGilvery says:

    I really liked reading this!!!!!!! I literally just gave on big exhale….. then remembered that is the name you chose for you blog….. to many more happy big exhales!!!!!

  4. Tara G says:

    Caught the tail end of your story on Jeff Probst and just read your entire blog. I am a 13 year survivor of stage 3 ovarian cancer still being treated for it Your blog made me laugh & cry. My prayers are with you.

  5. Terri Rowley says:

    Hi Kelly,
    I just watched you on the Jeff Probst show. I am also a teacher and have cancer. I was unable to go back to work this fall which I struggle with everyday. I have received one treatment of chemo and have 5 more to go. I will have radiation to follow. I found myself relating to your message you were giving to the audience. I get it and I am in. I use humor to get me through this horrible nightmare. I have a network of people that I can turn to..but actually nobody really gets it. YOU get it….I admire you…and loved listening to you speak. I also love your blog. It must be the teacher thing to do…as I have a blog as well. It is humorous and theraputic.
    I hope you keep searching for “the cure”..don’t give up but continue to live life as you are. I will continue this fight as I am a single mom of an 8 year old son. He needs me…I need him.
    Stay stong,

  6. Dana Wronski says:

    God bless you and continue to give you strength. I saw you on the Jeff Probst show, I was deeply moved.

  7. I also seen your story on Jeff probst show , also fighting Ovarian cancer. keep fighting, we all have to keep fighting .* hugs*

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